Types Of Projects Industrial Architects Undertake

Industrial architecture is the art and science used to construct buildings that facilitate the requirements of industries. The industrial revolution called for the development of such buildings. Industrial architects consider every aspect of the industry, including process, worker safety, manufacturing, power generation, equipment, etc.

This kind of architecture includes warehouses, factories, foundries, water towers, steel mills, refineries, breweries, distilleries, and so on. 

A good industrial architect needs to have skills, a few of which include automation, coding, data mining, flexibility, and knowledge of lighting. He should be able to construct a strong, durable, economical, and safe construction following noise control regulations, should have foresight, constancy, determination, a creative and deliberate mind, and must understand the needs of industry and construct system-oriented architecture. As technology has advanced today so have the architects.

The types of projects Industrial Architects undertake are-

  1. Hydroelectric Power Stations: It reveals the interior machines which transform natural power to energy.  
  2. Gas Compressor Stations: It optimizes safety in the safety conditions in the plant. 
  3. Recycling Centers: It contributes to sustaining future generations.
  4. Warehouses: A building for storing goods, which is usually used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, etc.
  5. Factories: It involves the planning of the space in such a way that it can accommodate all the required machinery.
  6. Foundries: These are factories producing metal castings. The most common metals processed are aluminum and cast iron
  7. Distillery: This is where spirits are manufactured. It involves purifying liquid through evaporation and condensation to create alcohol.
  8. Brewery: Business that makes and sells beer. Distinct sets of brewing equipment are called plant. 
  9. Drilling rig: Integrated system which drills wells like oil or water wells in the earth’s subsurface. They can be massive structures housing equipment or small enough to be moved manually by one person, called augers.
  10. Saw mill: this is where logs are cut into lumber.
  11. Forge: Hearth used for heating metals or the place where hearths are located.
  12. Grist mill: Grinds cereal grain into flour and middlings. The term refers to a grinding mechanism or building that holds it. 

Few other projects include- refineries, mines, and power plants.

Development relies on industries and industries rely on their architecture and it is the work of Stendel Reich industrial architects that set them apart. Knowing the sort of projects the industrial architects undertake gives us an idea of the complexities they deal with and tackle.