Origin of acupuncture treatment in India
Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. It is a central component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM’s theories and methods are not founded on empirical knowledge, and it has been labelled as quackery. Acupuncture methods vary depending on the country in which it is done, but they can be categorized into two major conceptual applications and approaches, the first being the current standardized method known as eight principal TCM, and the second being an older system based on the ancient Taoist Wuxing or better known as the five elements in the West.
Acupuncture is most often used and try to relieve pain, but acupuncturists claim it can also be used for a wide variety of other conditions, according to Dr Siddique, a well-known acupuncturist in Mumbai, India. Acupuncture is usually only used in conjunction with other treatments.
Origin of Acupuncture in India
Acupuncture, which is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is thought to have originated in ancient China and spread to neighboring countries such as India, Vietnam, and eventually the rest of the world. India has a long history of traditional medicine known as Ayurveda, which includes herbal medicine, surgery, yoga, and ‘Suchi Veda therapy. Ayurveda gained prominence in ancient India and was spread to neighbouring countries. Suchi Veda was similar to pricking therapy, but there is no record of it being practised consistently after that, particularly during the Christian era and the Middle Ages. Chinese acupuncture was first introduced to India in the 6th century, but its use did not last long. Until it was reintroduced in the 20th century in the mid-twentieth century, by a Chinese-trained Indian physician in 1959. Acupuncture is currently gaining popularity in India; some state governments have already recognized it, and the Indian government recently announced state approval of acupuncture as an independent therapeutic system in the country’s health care system.
What is the purpose of acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves the use of needles. Your therapist will have a thorough discussion with you about the symptoms that are bothering you and can conduct a physical examination. Then the physician will begin to discuss how the therapy will be carried out. To access the energy that is diverted, the first step is to recognize the pressure points in your body. Every point is related to a specific health condition or bodily problem. Then the therapist will look for landmarks in your body where the needles might be inserted. This ensures that the needles are inserted painlessly and without difficulty. The needles are then inserted into the affected region.
These procedures are painless, and you may only experience a slight pricking sensation when the needles are inserted. You then need to wait for 30 minutes to an hour after the needles have been inserted. In certain situations, the needles may be subjected to light pressure or a mild electric current may be transmitted through them. Acupuncturists who are more experienced will turn the needles in a circular motion to maximize the benefits. The treatments have been fine-tuned over time and are thought to be extremely effective. They also have no negative side effects.
Acupuncture’s advantages
- Brings emphasis and clarity: Acupuncture is said to invigorate your thought process and open up your mind for those who have difficulty focusing.
- Aids in stress management: One of the benefits of acupuncture is that it immediately makes you stop worrying. Many people are chronically overworked; their tension shows on their faces, and they are unable to function properly. As a result, this form of alternative therapy means that you are stress-free in a matter of weeks.
- Spreads happiness in your life: Everyday tasks will deplete your resources. Acupuncture will help you remain happy in your life if you want to keep it that way.
- It improves your sleep: Acupuncture calms your nerves and de-stresses you, allowing you to sleep better.
In India, how much does acupuncture care cost on average?
Acupuncture therapy is typically performed in sessions, and the amount of sessions needed varies. It also depends on the type of facility where you are receiving care. It can cost anywhere from INR 800 to INR 1000 per session on average.